30+ Unknown Facts About Indore Metro Project

30+ Unknown Facts About Indore Metro Project

Indore is a city with lots of attractions and soon people will be able to experience one more thing and that is Rail Metro. Today, in this write-up, I will share some interesting 30+ facts about Indore Metro Project to satisfy your fascination regarding the project.

Indore Metro Project is a mass rapid transit system that is under the development phase. Apart from this general information about Indore Metro Project, there are a lot of facts about Indore Metro Project that you must be known about being an Indori.

Facts About Indore Metro Project

Indore is always a forward city whenever it is to development and growth and the Metro project will boost its attraction. Here I will share some interesting and fascinating facts about Indore Metro Project that you must have read up on.

30+ Unknown Facts About Indore Metro Project
  1. You might have seen the construction of only one corridor in the city right now but the whole Metro Project of Indore includes 11 corridors.
  2. There is another fascinating thing about it is that out of these 11 Corridors, only 5 have been approved and planned till now.
  3. All these 5 corridors have been named Line 1A, Line 1B, Line 2, Line 3, and Line 4.
  4. Currently, Line 3 which is also named Yellow Line or Priority Corridor is under construction.
  5. Line 3 or Yellow Line is a 33.53 kilometers long corridor.
  6. Yellow Line is also named ring line because it will connect Palasia – Bhawarsala in a ring route.
  7. The Yellow line will consist of 30 stations – 24 elevated Metro Stations and 6 underground Metro Stations.
  8. Indore Metro will be a combination of elevated, on-ground, and underground metro stations.
  9. The expected number of coaches in Indore Metro trains is 6.
  10. The whole project will include 89 Metro stations.
  11. The expected daily ridership in the Indore Metro Mass Rapid Transit system is approximately 2,50,000.
  12. If we consider the length of all routes planned in Indore Metro, then the total length will be 124km.
  13. 33.53km is under construction which is the Yellow line.
  14. Indore Metro will include a standard gauge which is a 1,435 mm track gauge.
  15. The average speed of Indore Metro trains will be 35 km/h.
  16. The top speed of Indore Metro trains will be 90 km/h.
  17. 25 kilovolts Alternative Current electrification will be used in the Indore Metro Rail System.
  18. MP Government has created a joint venture with the Central Government of India – Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited to carry out the Indore Metro Project and Bhopal Metro Project.
  19. A total of Rs 7100 Million has been allocated to the MP Government for Indore & Bhopal Metro Rail Projects.
  20. Initially, the MP Government announced that Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will sanction a loan of Rs 12,000 Crore for Metro Project development in the State at an interest rate of 0.3%.
  21. But later Urban Administration and Development Minister Maya Singh clarified that JICA refused the loan.
  22. Asian Development Bank has funded the Indore Metro Rail Project.
  23. The Central Government of India or the Union Government of India has acted as a guarantor of this loan taken from ADB.
  24. The MP Government and the Central Government of India, each hold 20% equity in the project.
  25. The rest 60% amount will be raised as a soft loan from the European Investment Bank.
  26. Rohit Gupta, the head of Rohit Associates Cities & Rails Private Limited is the mastermind behind the whole project route planning.
  27. Dilip Buildcon Limited is the contractor of the construction of a 5.3km long elevated viaduct from ISBT/MR10 – Mumtaj Bag Colony.
  28. SBI (State Bank of India) is the only bidder to provide an EMV NCMC card and QR code-based Automatic Fare Collection System in Indore and Bhopal Metro.
  29. The trial run of the Indore Metro priority corridor will be conducted on a 6.3km long route.
  30. The completion and opening of the priority corridor were scheduled for August 2023, but it is delayed till August 2024. So the priority corridor is expected to be open from August 2024.
  31. The construction of Indore Metro’s first phase is expected to be finished in 2027.

Want To Know: All the details about Indore Metro Routes & Stations?

Final Words

Through this write-up, I have tried to share all the unknown and background facts about Indore Metro Project from its planning to builders, and investors to the trial run, hope you liked these Indore Metro Project facts. To stay updated about Indore Metro Rail Project, keep connected with us.


Who is making the Indore Metro project?

Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited is the owner of the Indore Metro Project which is a joint venture between the MP Government and the Central Government of India.

Who funded the Indore Metro?

The Asian Development Bank has funded the Indore Metro Project along with the European Investment Bank. the MP and Central Government, each hold 20% equity in the Metro Project of MP (Indore & Bhopal) and the remaining 60% is funded by the International Investment banks including the above-mentioned.

Which is the biggest metro project in India?

Delhi Metro is the largest rapid mass transit system in India.

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