7 Features of Indore Metro Stations – Elevating Passenger Experience

7 Features of Indore Metro Stations - Elevating Passenger Experience

The Indore Metro Project is under construction and is the topic of every person who is excited to take a commercial ride. As we have promised to make you aware of every keen detail related to the Indore metro system, here I came up with some interesting features of Indore Metro Stations which are part of the thoughtful designs of the stations to enhance passenger’s experience.

Any metro rail system includes majorly three major objects, metro stations, tracks, and trains, of course, we know that there are millions of things that work behind the proper operation of any system but here our main goal is to understand what are the 7 special things about Indore Metro stations.

7 Features of Indore Metro Stations

The first phase of the Indore Metro project includes 29 metro stations (elevated and underground) on the Yellow Line which is under construction. This is the latest project and thus lots of new technology and innovations are implemented in this whole project, we also will be able to experience a new era of technology at the stations. And as promised, here I am to deliver more Indore Metro Project updates to you.

7 Features of Indore Metro Stations - Elevating Passenger Experience

Some special things about Indore Metro Stations are integrated to enhance the passenger’s seamless experience and will also match the city’s urban character. So let’s have a look at these Features of Indore Metro Stations deeply to understand their meaning of existence as well.

Two-Level Metro Stations

Most of the metro stations are constructed on two levels to provide a convenient space to the passengers and station staff. The first level is equipped with all the crucial things at the metro stations including ticket windows, security checkpoints, gender-specific toilets, facilities for differently abled people, technical rooms, staff rooms, etc. These are all the facilities you can go through on the first level.

On the second level, you can wait for your train to arrive, onboard the train, or deboard the train.

Gates At Both Sides

This is one of the nice features of Indore Metro Stations entry and exit gates are placed on both sides of the roads allowing passengers to enter and leave the station from any preferred side.

Lifts & Escalators

By keeping passengers comfort in mind, all the metro stations in Indore are equipped with lifts and escalators along with stairs. This is a great feature at any station as it helps people with problems climbing stairs. Escalators and lifts are also helpful for people with differently abled or with access luggage with them.

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Seamless Ticketing Solutions

Indore Metro Project Updates

Indore Metro stations will be equipped with the Automatic Ticket Fair Collection vending machines which is a great option for seamless ticketing solutions. Passengers will have different options to purchase tickets for themselves including the use of coins and banknote recyclers. This is one of the best features of Indore Metro stations, which I have shared in this Indore Metro Project updates section.

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Pedestrian Bridge

Pedestrian crossing bridges have also been constructed to connect some metro stations with the road so that passengers do not face any problems in reaching or using the metro stations. It is a great choice to provide a seamless experience for the passengers as sometimes crossing the road becomes so difficult due to high traffic, at such times pedestrian bridges are so useful.

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Dual Script Signs

At any metro station, signs are a vital part and should be written in more than one language for seamless communication between the signs and passengers. At the Indore Metro Stations, you will see these sign boards are scripted in 2 languages, Hindi and English along with the sign. It enhances the understanding of the passengers and leads them to comfortably use the station.

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Supportive Services For Visually Impaired

This is one of the best features of Indore Metro Stations that the whole design is implemented by keeping the visually impaired people for their comfortable experience at the stations. At every essential place, Braille signage is integrated, and even Braille maps are also displayed at the stations. Apart from that, an audio system also works as a supportive service for the visually impaired.

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Final Words

In this write-up, I have shared some special things about Indore Metro Stations that are integrated for some special reasons. Lifts, escalators, AFC, signage systems, audio facilities, etc. are integrated at the stations just to make every passenger’s journey happy, memorable, and positive. Audio systems and Braille signage options are for the visually impaired which is also one of the great special things about Indore Metro stations.

Hope this Indore Metro Project updates were useful and informative enough for you. We will keep bringing such amazing content related to the Indore Metro project updates, so stay in touch with us. Thanks for reading.

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