5 Indore Metro Quality Standards – Building A World-Class Metro

5 Indore Metro Quality Standards - Building A World-Class Metro

Indore Metro Project Updates: The implementation of the Metro System in Indore is putting the city’s overall development at a high speed. Everyone is praising the infrastructure building in the city. The thing everyone should have also known is the Indore Metro Quality Standards which the authority behind it has followed.

A few years ago, Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited was formed to ensure the safe and secure development of new transportation systems in the state and for that, Indore and Bhopal were selected for the implementation of Metro Systems. The main objective behind the formation of MPMRCL was to revolutionize transportation in Bhopal and Indore and thus the Government authority which is the joint venture between the MP Government and Central Government has followed some important quality standards in Indore Metro and Bhopal Metro.

Indore Metro Quality Standards

In Indore and Bhopal, the projects of metro system development are led by the MPMRCL and thus quality standards in Indore Metro and Bhopal Metro are the same. In this write-up, we will understand these Indore Metro quality standards and their need for a safe and secure development of the infrastructures. 

5 Indore Metro Quality Standards - Building A World-Class Metro

To ensure this, MPMRCL has created a robust Quality Management System, it mainly focuses on whether high-quality standards are being followed in all construction work and operations or not. So let’s see what these Indore Metro Quality standards are.

Best Contractors

To build any high-quality infrastructure, a great team of experienced professionals plays a key role. MPMRCL has chosen the best contractors for each segment of the project after ensuring the track record of their expertise which is a vital part of hiring any contractor. MPMRCL has brought these contractors and agencies from India and abroad as well and only those contractors are given the project who have put the knowledge, expertise, and a proven track record on the table.

The assurance of the best contractors was important because other than that quality standards in the Indore Metro project would be compromised.

Priority on Top-Quality Materials

To build any high-quality infrastructure, prioritizing high-standard material is a necessity, and thus MPMRCL has chosen the best grade material for the Indore and Bhopal Metro projects. With the help of these high-standard materials, a robust and durable infrastructure for the metro system can be expected.

M25 to M60 grade concrete is used in the Indore Metro Project ensuring strength and durability. Apart from that, the reinforcement bars used in the Metro infrastructures are 550 TMT (Thermo-Mechanically Treated) which provides high strength, resilience, welding capacity, and bending capacity. While the steel used in the over-bridge open web girder is ranges from E250 to E410 grade.

To build a world-class infrastructure, along with a world-class team of experts, world-class quality materials are also needed.

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Strict Quality Check Rule

MPMRCL has created a three-layer inspection system that keeps monitoring all the construction work without any conformance issues and if there are any, it is solved promptly. The Right First Time approach has been adopted in the construction work of the Indore Metro Project which ultimately helps in reducing rework and ensures the quality standards as well.

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Multiple Tendering Phases

It is a vital step MPMRCL has adopted to ensure the Indore Metro quality standards. We know that the construction of any metro infrastructure requires a lot of complex tasks. Each part of the metro should be constructed well by keeping safety concerns in mind and for that, the tender should be given to the trusted one.

Indore Metro Project Updates

To ensure that, MPMRCL has divided the tendering process into 2 phases – Pre-tendering & Post-tendering. The pre-tendering phase includes selecting contractors based on technical qualifications and then bidding requirements.

The post-tendering phase ensures that the contractor is equipped with all the necessary resources according to the contractual conditions including experienced manpower, modern machinery, high-quality materials, designs, drawings, & methods of the project (prepared by the contractors) are thoroughly investigated by the MPMRCL and then approved their tenders.

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Everlasting Improvement & Training

MPMRCL has set up a system of continuous improvement by checking the construction surveillance on a regular basis along with quality checks and safety checks. For any under-development metro project, it is a vital process that every authority should follow to ensure that the project is meeting its quality standards.

Apart from that, the training of workers under MPMRCL can also be included in this segment where we are talking about Indore Metro quality standards as regularly training your staff on how to use new technology and equipment makes it easier to match quality standards on any project.

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Final Words

In this Indore Metro Project updates segment, I have shared some key quality standards of Indore Metro and Bhopal Metro which are acquired by the Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited, the governing body of both metro projects. Ensuring the quality standards in any infrastructure is very important because uncountable people use these public infrastructures and then the question comes about the safety of all this. It is very important to follow all quality standards for public safety.

Hope this write-up containing certain points about quality standards in Indore Metro and Bhopal Metro was a piece of useful information for you. To learn about each Indore Metro Project Updates, stay in touch with us. Thanks for reading.

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