Safety Rules Of Metro – To Experience A Much Safer Ride

Safety Rules Of Metro - To Experience A Much Safer Ride

Metros are the latest form of transition in any metro city and thus we need to discuss the safety regulations while using any metro station or metro train. So here I came with some great safety rules of metro to follow while using metro stations and metro trains so that your experience in the rapid transit system never gets bad.

So in this write-up, I will share some safety rules to follow at metro stations before you board the train, when boarding the train, and when you on board the train. This write-up is being written with the objective of making your journey and experience of the metro safer, so please keep reading carefully these safety tips while using the metro.

Safety Rules Of Metro

Why do we need to follow the safety rules of metro or any other place, by taking care of small things, big accidents can be avoided and that is why it is always necessary to approach the safer way instead of being careless. So let’s start with safety rules to follow at metro station while waiting for the train to arrive.

Safety Rules To Follow At Metro Station

This is the time when we wait for our train to arrive at the station. During this time we have to wait at the platform by seating or standing. At this, you must avoid standing so close to the edge of the platform, there should be a proper gap between you and the track, and for that never cross the yellow markings on the platform.

Safety Rules Of Metro - To Experience A Much Safer Ride

This can be dangerous for you as you can fall on the track or collide with the train coming or anything can happen. You can avoid all these incidents just by standing a little bit far from the edge.

Apart from that, you can avoid using your phone, listening to music, reading books, or anything that can distract you from the current environment. A metro station is a place where lots of people with different intentions visit and thus you must be aware of your surroundings to avert anything bad. Secondly, distraction can also lead to missing your train.

Never be part of a scuffle when the train arrives at the station, just let the passenger exit from the train first and then aboard safely.

Safety Rules To Follow While Boarding The Train

You must keep in mind these safety rules of the metro while boarding the train let the passenger exit first and then enter so that the scuffle can be avoided and eventually, it will lead to less crowding because most passengers will leave the cart before you enter.

Keep maintaining a mindful gap between you and the train arriving and also pay attention to the gap between the train and the edge, if the gap is greater and your foot slips then it is not free from danger.

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Safety Rules To Follow When On Board The Train

After boarding the train you can follow some safety tips while using the metro. First of all, try to find a seat if there is available then sit because sitting is a much safer option than standing in the cart. If there is no seat empty and you have to stand then make sure to hold something like poles or handholes etc.

Safety Rules To Follow At Metro Stations And Metro Trains (1)

Never ever stand against the doors or near the doors of the train whether the train is in motion or not because most metro trains have automatic door opening and closing systems and leaning against the door can cause a serious incident.

Apart from these, you must be aware of your surroundings as there can be people of any type including thieves and pick-pocketers. So be alert at every point and make your journey much safer.

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Final Words

In this write-up, I have shared some important safety rules to follow at metro stations and metro trains. Here my objective was just to remind you of some tips so that you can make your metro rides safe and comfortable.

Hope this write-up, containing the safety rules of metro was useful for you and the content I have provided was also informative enough for you. Thanks for reading.

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