The Glorious Tracks Of Indore Metro – 7+ Utmost Features

The Glorious Tracks Of Indore Metro - 7+ Utmost Features

Indore Metro Project is one of the under-development metro systems in the country and is catching everybody’s eye as it is the first Metro project of Madhya Pradesh. Being the latest project, some of certain latest technologies and innovations can be seen and one of them is the glorious tracks of Indore Metro.

We are dedicated to providing you with all the crucial details regarding Indore Metro Project updates. Being the information provider, it is our responsibility to make you aware of each tiny detail about which you should be updated and thus here I came up with detailed facts about Indore Metro Tracks.

So let’s start to figure out what is new in the tracks of Indore Metro project and what the special features they have.

Tracks Of Indore Metro

Tracks are a crucial part of any rail system as the trains run on them. In India, there are certain types of tracks used in any Metro Rail system which have different qualities and features. If you are confused about tracks, tracks are the path of two parallel rails on which trains run smoothly.

The Glorious Tracks Of Indore Metro - 7+ Utmost Features

Let’s see what are these types of tracks.

Ballasted Tracks

Ballasted tracks are the most common in which a layer of ballast is created within the rails to provide support, stability, and a robust foundation to the sleepers and rails. This ballast is made up of crushed stones usually. Ballasted tracks can be seen most commonly in the Indian railway tracks.

Non-Ballasted Tracks

Non-ballasted tracks do not include crushed stones and sleepers for a robust foundation, instead a strong construction of reinforced concrete or asphalt is used to provide stability and support to the rails so that trains can run smoothly on the tracks. In Indore Metro and Bhopal Metro, non-ballasted tracks are used.

These innovatively designed tracks are commonly being used in many metro projects nowadays as the major feature of these tracks is that they eliminate the vibration passengers feel while traveling in a train and make their experience much smoother.

Features Of Tracks In Indore Metro

Indore Metro and Bhopal metro projects are in the latest and under-development phase, they are implementing the latest and modern technology in every possible manner to provide a convenient, comfortable, and secure journey to the passengers.

Here I will share some key features of tracks in Indore Metro so that you too can understand the benefits of non-ballasted tracks in any railway system.

Precision Mechanics

Indore Metro project has used many modern technologies but if we talk about the tracks, the tracks have been designed and engineered very precisely so that the question of angular irregularities does not arise. Due to these features, passengers can take advantage of a smooth ride.

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Tracks of Indore Metro are non-ballasted types which means a strong foundation of concrete is laid in the rails that provides stability to the tracks in any circumstances. The innovative technology and design of this robust foundation provide strong support to the tracks and ensure its stability.


This is one of the best features of tracks in Indore Metro as the non-ballasted tracks do not cause vibration and allow the passengers to experience a safe and smooth journey. While traveling in a train the vibration we feel is caused by the ballast which is crushed stones in the track but it will be absent in Indore Metro tracks.

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High-Quality Steel

The steel used in the tracks of the Indore Metro Project is made up of high-quality steel with an expected durability of 100 years. So it will going to withstand in time in Indore.

Proper Turning Radius

The turning radius of tracks is an important factor in any metro rail system. Metro rail systems are built along with the local roads and already existing local transportation system and thus is a vital part of designing tracks so that the metro trains can navigate the curves easily. Tracks of Indore Metro allow the trains to comfortably turn with a proper turning radius.

Loading Capacity

Indore Metro Project Latest Updates

It is very important to make tracks capable of loading high weights as they have to bear the weight of fastly moving trains loaded with passengers. This is one of the features of Tracks in Indore Metro that they have to capacity to withstand axel loads of up to 16 tons.

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Drainage System

All the rail tracks have space to collect rainwater and thus implementing an effective drainage system becomes a vital part of it. For proper rainwater management, tracks of Indore metro are associated with an effective drainage system, allowing the trains to serve the city even after high rain.


As we already discussed, the steel used in the tracks of Indore Metro Project is high-quality and expectedly has a lifespan of 100 years. It is also corrosion-free for a considerable period which ultimately gives it a high strength.

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Final Words

In this write-up, I have shared about the features of tracks in Indore Metro project along with the type used of tracks. Non-ballasted type of track is one of the most considered nowadays in metro projects as it allows passengers to experience a safe and smooth journey.

Hope this article about the glorious tracks of Indore Metro was useful for you and the content I have provided was also informative enough for you. We will keep bringing such good content for you because we have decided to provide you with Indore Metro Project updates every moment. Keep updating yourself with us, Thanks for reading.

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