Women’s Safety In Indore Metro – Initiatives To Empower Women In Public Transport [2024]

Women's Safety In Indore Metro - Initiatives To Empower Women In Public Transport [2024]

Women’s Safety In Indore Metro – In India, we need to take safety measures at each and every place for women as they have to face lots of harassment due to some anti-social elements and this is not acceptable in any circumstances. Therefore, I have come up with some Women’s Safety Initiatives In Indore Metro that should be mandatory for women’s safety alliances.

In this write-up, I will share some women’s safety initiatives Indore Metro should take during the construction phase and after being operational. Here I would like to mention that by writing this article my objective is to highlight the need for Women’s Safety In Indore Metro, so the whole content provided here is my brain seed and I cannot confirm if any of these initiatives have been implemented in the Indore Metro.

Women’s Safety In Indore Metro

Metro in Indore will be the newest transit system and thus will attract a large number of commuters ultimately adding the risk of harassment due to the gathering of each kind of people and this is not only thing, safety measures should always be taken at every place because an anti-social element can not be identified by the face.

Women's Safety In Indore Metro - Initiatives To Empower Women In Public Transport [2024]

To deal with such people and keep the innocent safe, it is the responsibility of authorities that safety measures are clearly integrated with the whole system including metro trains, stations, lifts, etc.

Here we are going to talk about Women’s Safety & Empowerment Initiatives In Indore Metro that should be taken during the construction and operations. So let’s get started.

Safety Of Women Workers In Indore Metro At Construction Sites

Creating a safe environment on the construction sites in Indore Metro for women workers is also very important and several steps can be taken to avoid any kind of inconvenience with women workers at construction sites. All the authorities have to do is a little effort.

Here we will talk about these initiatives the governing body should have taken for the Safety Of Women Workers In Indore Metro At Construction Sites.

  • Separate toilets and changing rooms for women – Every construction site should have separate sanitation facility for the privacy and hygiene perspective of women workers.
  • Pairing – Women workers should be allowed to work in pairs especially at remote areas so that they can encourage each other and it gives a sense of safety in the presence of a women colleague.
  • Harassment Prevention Training – In order to empower women workers to protect themselves from any kind of harassment, each women worker should given training. Trained women can protect themselves in a way more effectively.

Apart from that, every new recruiter women worker should be given training by the senior workers, and awareness programs should also be conducted among all the workers because women’s safety is not just one person’s responsibility but the whole system should take this responsibility to make a women worker feel safe even while working in the night shifts or remote areas.

Must Read: Safety Rules Of Metro – To Experience A Much Safer Ride

Women Safety Initiatives In Indore Metro System

When the metro will be operational in Indore, lots of women will be the commuters and to make them feel safe and experience safety should be one of the priorities. For that several initiatives can be taken by the officials about that we will talk here. 

Safety Rules To Follow At Metro Stations And Metro Trains (1)

So let’s start to talk about the Women Safety Initiatives In Indore Metro Rail Project that should be taken to empower women in public transport and make them feel safe.

  • Pink Carriage – There should be separated-only women’s carriages so that women traveling alone can feel a sense of safety while using the mass rapid transit system. This is also can be seen in Indian Railway and in the Indore iBus system where a Pink iBus available that carries only women passengers.
  • Helpline Number – The authorities should have created a toll-free 24*7 helpline number so that in any emergency situation women can contact them for help.
  • Emergency Button – Also called as panic buttons should be integrated in the metro train coaches, metro apps, and emergency call points so that the needy can directly reach to the security personnel in any emergency situation.
  • Trained Personnel Deployment – On the metro stations and metro trains, trained personnel should be deployed so that they can deal with any harassing situation. In fact, the presence of such personnel will automatically decrease such incidents. So this is a very important thing.
  • Improved Lighting and CCTV – Lights and CCTV should always be powered and installed in such a way that no blind spot remains. The presence of proper lights and CCTV can also help in the declining number of harassment cases due to the security alert.
  • Period-Friendly Facilities – This is one of the most important things to acquire as the Women Safety & Empowerment Initiatives in Indore Metro. Proper sanitary pad dispersals and disposal bins should be installed in Metro trains and metro stations.
  • Employee Training – Not only the personnel but every employee working in the metro whether women or men should be trained to handling situations of harassment with a proper response because negligence can harm a lot.

Must Read: Risk Management In Indore Metro Rail Project [2024]

So these were some Women’s Safety Initiatives In Indore Metro operations should be integrated for the safety concerns of women commuters of our city. To protect the dignity of women and make them feel safe should be one of the priorities of the Indore Metro governing body.

Read Also: 7 Features of Indore Metro Stations – Elevating Passenger Experience

Final Words

In this write-up, I have talked about some Women’s Safety & Empowerment Initiatives In Indore Metro. In my opinion, the governing body of Indore Metro which is the Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited should have also run social campaigns on women’s safety and other similar agendas to protect the dignity of each person and to make Indore Metro a safe transit system in the system.

If each person makes their soul like they can not harm any other living being then there is no need for such protection acts but unfortunately, our society is also the shelter of some anti-social elements and thus we have to consider safety measures differently.

Check Also: 5 Positive Impacts Of Metro In Indore City [2024]

Hope this write-up, containing Women’s Safety In Indore Metro – Initiatives To Empower Women In Public Transport was useful and informative enough for you. Thanks for reading and do not forget to share if you have any other ideas as Women Safety & Empowerment Initiatives In Indore Metro in the comment box. Stay tuned with us to get all the information related to the Indore Metro Project.

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Who is making the Indore Metro project?

The Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited is making the Indore Metro Project, it is a joint venture company between the Government of MP and the Government of India formed for proper planning, development, and operations.

What is the budget of Indore Metro project?

The estimations are saying that the Indore Metro Project may cost more than Rs 12,000 Crore and might be cost Rs 182 Crore per kilometre (km) resulting in in a cumulative expense of Rs 15,000 Crore.

Which is the biggest metro project in India?

The Delhi Metro Project is the largest and busiest metro network in India.

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